Haven Lake Animal Hospital

300 Milford Harrington Highway
Milford, DE 19963



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 Haven Lake Animal Hospital is everything you’d expect in a veterinary clinic—in urban Delaware, in suburban Delaware, and in rural Delaware, too.     We happen to do it all, conveniently located in Milford. We offer quality medicine and compassionate care, of course. But we don’t stop there.

At Haven Lake Animal Hospital, you have access to cutting edge pet care including I–131 for feline thyroid canceradvanced dental care , echocardiograms, exotic pet care, and a comprehensive rehabilitation center.

We are always striving to keep our services and technology current and ahead of the the needs of our community. 

People from all over the Delmarva peninsula have been trusting our veterinarians since 1999. We encourage you to contact us today, so you can do the same!



Online Pharmacy

Haven Lake Animal Hospital is happy to offer Covetrus, a convenient online pharmacy for all your pets medication needs. Covetrus ensures pet owners benefit from our comprehensive pharmaceutical services and home delivery of leading pet care products. Covetrus home delivery, the easy-to-use service that saves you time by delivering all your pet's needs right to your door.


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Access our mobile version by clicking on the appropriate app store button below.

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Access Your PetPage Online

PetPage is an easy-to-use, digital self-serve Patient Portal that keeps you connected to your pet's health.

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I-131 Therapy for Cats


Dr. Levinson is available for echocardiograms and cardiac care. 


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I would not take my fur babies any where else. They are loving, compassionate, friendly and most of all understanding. We love seeing Ms. Edna just chilling. Doc Frances knows all our babies and and cares deeply for each one. - Berhrens Family

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