Haven Lake Animal Hospital

300 Milford Harrington Highway
Milford, DE 19963





At Haven Lake Animal Hospital, we understand the sorrow of losing a beloved pet. And, while there is never a right time or an easy way to say goodbye, our compassionate and professional staff is committed to making your pet’s passing as painless as possible.

To ease your pet’s passing, Haven Lake Animal Hospital offers comprehensive end-of-life care that takes into consideration the needs of both your pet and your family. Because you know your pet best, our staff will work with you through the process in an effort to ease the suffering of your companion and give him or her the best possible care during this time.

Depending on the circumstances, Haven Lake Animal Hospital is prepared to assist you in providing hospice services for your pet, by providing the palliative care needed to let your companion remain at home and with his or her family for as long as possible. Our staff will advise you on how you can best make your pet comfortable in the home environment, and we will provide you with the necessary medications to keep your pet’s pain at a minimum, while not impacting quality of life.

When the time comes, Haven Lake Animal Hospital also provides humane euthanasia for your beloved pet. Euthanasia provides your pet with a pain-free passing, and our staff will ensure this time is as stress-free as possible for both your pet and your family.

Whether as the result of an unforeseen emergency or as the inevitable end of a life well lived, providing your pet with a calm and peaceful transition is paramount when assisting with end-of-life care. Our staff is also sensitive to the needs of you and your family during this time, and we will ensure that you have the time and space you need to honor the life of your pet as you say goodbye.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in your time of need.



Wellness Care


Cancer Care


Diagnostic Services

End of Life Care

I-131 Therapy



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